I have been loosely using the “Community” category of posts to make a brief mention of the things I have been doing around the community outside of Council Meetings. However, I am doing so many things these days that I never find the time to post a photo and write a short blurb, so I am going to try to create a fixed schedule. Every Monday or so I will try to post a brief summary of the previous week.
Last weekend was so busy with a celebration of Andree St. Martin’s retirement, the Qayqayt Howl, the EcoFest, and of course Quest New West that I had to dial life back a bit for the beginning of the week.
Wednesday I pinched-hit for Councillor McEvoy and chaired the Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Committee, and Thursday was Access Ability Advisory Committee. Minutes for these meetings will eventually hit the City Web Page.
Friday I swang by the Connaught Heights annual carnival after work. Not having any children, and therefore not having kids in the New West school system, it is cool to see the carnivals the PACs throw together (the Howl Last weekend, and not less than three this weekend!).
Saturday was the Season Closer and summer kick-off for New West Baseball (see pic above). It was a great spring season for NWB: the first ever (according to Coach and NWB Big Cheese Ron Sufferon) to not have a single game rained out! Yes, it has been that kind of spring. But no-one could prepare for Oh Canada sung by three City Councillors. That’s twice in two weeks I have been forced to sing into a microphone. I hope it will stop soon.
Sunday was Sapperton Day. This has always been one of my favourite one-day Street Fairs in New West. The weather was (as usual) perfect, and everything from the Pancake Breakfast to the stage performances were great. I really have to thank the Sapperton Merchants, Guy Ciprian, and all the volunteers for putting on a great show.

The highlight was, of course, the Red Tape Race, where 4-time (or is it 5-time?) champion Jonathan Cote was racing with the added weight of a new job title, and two new competitors (Councillor Mary Trentadue and Yours Truly) were not going to let him own the track. In the end, it was all elbows and suspicious line shifting that allowed the rookie Trentadue to take her first ever Red Tape Race, with the former champ in second and myself a distant third.